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Neck and Shoulder Tension, There's a Yoga Pose for That!

My Neck + My Shoulders

Neck and shoulder tension and tightness is a common thing for most women, and can be caused by several factors, weak muscles, poor posture, and incorrect alignment in our bodies. Stress and lack of sleep can be culprits of neck and shoulder tension

.yoga poses for neck pain

When life has really rocked us hard, we tend to forget how to breathe and ultimately carry every single issue right in the nooks of our neck and shoulders causing unbearable pain. This pain may travel to your back and upper body making you feel like the weight of the world is yours to hold.

Once again, a yoga practice can help you live your best life!

 5 yoga poses to relieve neck and shoulder tension during those overwhelming times.

1. Deep Forward Fold: The first and a favorite of ours, we love this pose because you can let go and let gravity do its thing. This pose lets you release the tension in your neck and shoulders. Letting your head hang from the root of your necks, releasing the tightness in your shoulder blades. Do this pose 3 times holding for 5 long and deep breaths, inhaling as you stand back up with your head being the last thing to come up.

forward fold yoga poses for neck and shoulder pain

2. Cat/Cow: Two for one, this pose is great not only for your neck but the spine. Cat/cow allows you to slow the breath- which helps with the release of tension in the neck, relieving stress and promotes a calm mind. Flow through these two poses, start on your hands and knees, wrist stacked under shoulders, knees stacked under hips. Inhale arching your back lifting your chin and chest upward, Cow. Exhale round your back and tuck your chin, Cat. 10 breaths each.

       cat yoga poses for neck and shoulder pain cow yoga poses for neck and shoulder pain

3. Thread the Needle: This is an ideal pose for your tight shoulders. This pose opens the shoulders, neck and upper back. It releases tension and tightness often held in the upper back and between the shoulder blades caused by stress. Begin on your hands and knees, wrist stacked under shoulders, knees stacked under hips. Inhale right arm up, while twisting your neck up to look at that hand. Then exhale, threading your right hand in between the left leg and arm, until the right shoulder touches the ground or you reached your limit. Hold for 3-5 breathes then inhale your right arm back out and up, then to your starting position. Repeat on left side.

thread the needle yoga poses for neck and shoulder pain

4. Childs Pose: This pose is a favorite for everyone, it is great for reducing stress and fatigue, which causes aches and pain in your necks and shoulders. This is a resting pose that centers, calms, and soothes the brain. Start on your knees, then sit your hips down on your heels, you can have the toes touch with knees mat width apart, fold the upper body down, forehead touching the mat or stack your fist for support. Hold for as long as you need, deep and long breaths.

childs pose yoga poses for neck and shoulder pain

5. Rabbit Pose: Much like Childs Pose, this pose is great for reducing stress and fatigue, while centering the mind and soothing tension in the neck and shoulders. Take a Childs pose, exhale your hands to your heels or by your side. Inhale rounding your back, rolling onto the top of your head. Hold the pose for as long as you need, take long and deep breaths.

rabbit pose yoga poses for neck and shoulder pain

Remember when you're trying new poses listen to your body + give yourself the space you need. 

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