Better Mental Health with Yoga
You can achieve better mental health with yoga. With a deep connection with rhythmic breathing and meditation yoga can bring many mental health benefits to anyone who decided to practice.

Improved Mood
Having a regular yoga practice can help improve your mood by lowering stress hormones in our bodies while at the same time increasing beneficial brain chemicals like endorphins and GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). These feel-good chemicals help decrease anxiety and improve mood. Studies show that people who practice yoga for 45 minutes had more feel-good brain chemical activity than people who listened to relaxing music.
Dr. Corinna Keenmon, Houston Methodist's medical director of psychiatry and telepsychiatry uses the benefits of yoga to help treat her patients. She mentions that "Yoga can help lower our fight, flight or freeze response by activating our parasympathetic nervous system and lowering negative emotions like depression, anxiety and anger." Yoga can help build your mental resilience, helping you to respond vs react in stressful situations.

More Mental health facilities such as Cottages on Mountain Creek have implemented mindfulness and wellness programs to go alongside mental health treatments. The residents have yoga for 45 mins twice a week. Since they started working with Shannon of Mocha Yoga, a certified mindful resilience and trauma informed yoga teacher, the residents have shown improvement in significant areas.
Talk therapy is great, and when linked with regular yoga practice both can work as avenues for healthier self-regulations skill, social engagement skills, and overall well-being. "The evidence is showing that yoga really helps change people at every level," says Stanford University health psychologist and yoga instructor Kelly McGonigal, PhD. Yoga is the bridge between the mind, body, and soul.Yoga can help lead to better mental health and coping skills, leading to a calmer and healthier person.
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